Alexandria ENFM
at New Hope Clinic
460 Northside Drive NE
Alexandria MN 56308
Homeoprophylaxis Program: an alternative ahead of its time.
Rather than being caught in the battle between those in the pro-vaccine camp and those in the anti-vaccine camp Homoeprophylaxis offers another way. The question isn't should we prevent disease or not, but rather is vaccination the best and only method to do so?
Edgewater Natural Family Medicine offers a free 15 minute phone consultation to discuss your questions about your children's suitability for this alternative and researched program. If you decide to proceed we will enroll your children in both the research project and also take them on as a patient, which allows us to help you manage all aspects of your child's health as they grow as physical, mental, and spiritual beings.
For more information about Homeoprophylaxis for patients or other medical professionals, please click on this LINK.
Overview of Research into the Effectiveness of Homeoprophylaxis
As homeoprophylaxis (HP) has limited exposure to the general public, more data is needed to demonstrate its efficacy. All participants in the HP program as delineated on this website will be participating in this research project. As the HP Program takes 44 months to complete, careful monitoring of participants over several years is necessary. Data will be gathered from participants in the program for ten years and documented.
We are looking to not only demonstrate the efficacy of homeoprophylaxis for disease prevention, but also to assess the relative health of the individuals undertaking the program compared to children who are either vaccinated or have not received any infectious contagious disease prevention. All participants undertaking homeoprophylaxis are monitored for various factors.
efficacy of infectious contagious disease prevention/exposure rate
development and sustaining of blood antibody titers
effect on the relative health of the child in five categories:
skin conditions
ear/nose and throat conditions
developmental and behavioral conditions; ADD, Autism etc.
Research will also determine various other factors including:
educational status of the participating family
economic status of the participating family
lifestyle choices such as food preferences, television allotment, public or private school attendance
This data will serve to profile the individuals that have proactively sought out alternative forms of disease prevention, not only for the health of their children but also as they have chosen to be responsible to public health concerns through a different methodology of disease prevention, i.e. not vaccination. Some people falsely believe that those individuals who do not vaccinate may be contributing to increased incidence of infectious contagious disease and are putting others at greater risk of disease.
If homeoprophylaxis can be demonstrated to not only reduce the incidence of infectious contagious disease, reduce the incidence of other conditions (as above) which are currently related to vaccine injury, and to overall support the health of the participant, maybe then the use homeoprophylaxis in place of vaccines in public health campaigns will be implemented.