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Writer's pictureDr. Lee Aberle, ND, IFMCP

A Special Announcement

A Letter from Jenna

In 2018, I was privileged to be offered a medical assistant position at Edgewater Natural Family Medicine. Over that time, I have felt well-supported by the Edgewater Team and have been able to connect with so many of our wonderful patients. However, I have decided, “home is where the heart is” and I will be leaving Edgewater Natural Family Medicine in June of 2020.

During these last few months of upside-down uncertainty in our world, I was given the privilege to work from home with our 4 children while they were also navigating online schooling. Although it was a huge learning curve for our families and our clinic, including you our patients, it was also very eye-opening for me as a mother. And with that came the decision to step away from my medical career to be home with our children. I am very grateful to have this opportunity as a mother and I know it is the best decision for our family at this time. It also gives me the opportunity to do more consulting work assisting small businesses with their social media and website growth- a passion of mine.

Thank you for letting me be a part of your world. It has been a sincere honor to walk alongside you- whether it be enjoying laughter together or holding your hand through the tears. I will miss all of the amazing people, coworkers and patients, who have crossed my path while here. I hope in some small way, I was able to make your time at Edgewater a little better, a little lighter.

Peace & Love,

Jenna Vavra, MA


If you would like to wish Jenna farewell, please email her at or drop her a card to the clinic and we will be sure she receives it! We know you will miss her but wish her the best, just as we do!


Interested in working with Edgewater or know someone who would fit this position perfectly! Visit our job posting here!


Chandler's Corner Chat

As Edgewater Natural Family Medicine and its affiliate practices start to expand services with the relaxing of COVID-19 public health and safety rules, we are making the following changes for everyone’s benefit. We appreciate your co-operation and understanding.

All visiting patients will be required to wear a facemask while at your appointment. Hand washing is required upon entry to the practice at our handwashing station. We recommend hand washing upon exit as well, but it is not required.

Please inform staff if you have symptoms of covid-19, were exposed to someone with a positive diagnosis, or have traveled internationally to countries known to have covid-19 outbreaks.

Our practice has a long history with telemedicine, so we are converting as many appointments as possible to remote appointments. Our experience is your benefit as many practices don’t know how to conduct these appointments in clinically meaningful ways. We are fortunate that Dr. Aberle has a long history with remote appointments.

Yes, we are still accepting New Patients through telemedicine. To book a new appointment, please call 320 253-4112. Once the covid-19 state of emergency is relaxed we will require those patients to come to the office in person for their next appointment so that we can finish a complete intake and full data gathering including physical exams.

Necessary appointments can still be booked in person. These appointment types include Frequency Specific Microcurrent, Autonomic Response Testing (ART)


Supplement Order Update

To better serve our beloved patients, we are going to start rolling sales of supplements. Watch for future newsletters and for Facebook posts for flash sales. All supplement re-orders are best placed by emailing .

To further help patients with supplement orders we have started to add online access to our doctor-only supplement accounts. The big 3 are already on our Shopping Page and more will be added as they become available. This allows you to order directly the most common supplements for you and your family under Dr. Aberle’s medical license. But for many of our patients, it is still easier to order via because of the complexity of your orders. We are happy to help.


I want to thank all of my patients, colleagues, friends, and everyone for being so patient and gentle. These are trying times and I know that by working together we can all thrive together.

Dr. Lee Aberle


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